黒斑病甘藷の病理化學的研究 : (第9報)罹病甘藷中のアスコルビン酸に関する二,三の知見について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In the sound part adjacent to the injured part of black-rooten sweet potato, the total amount of ascorbic acid was fonnd to be increased more abundantly than the control. The increase of the oxidized type was remakable in contrast with the decrease of the reduced one. The mycellium of Ceratostomella fimbriata was supposed to contain the acid, if there is any, in a very small quantity. 2. The quinones, which were resulted from the oxidation of the sweet potato polyphenols such as chlorogenic acid by the oxidase, were showed.to be reduced immediately by ascorbic acid. 3. In the sound part of black-rotten sweet potato, the increases of respiration amount, oxidase activity, and polyphenol content as well as that of ascorbic acid (especially oxidized type) gave the suggestion that polyphenol oxidase-polyphenol-ascorbic acid system was one of a chief respiratory enzyme system of rotten sweet potato. 4. As the result of the measurement of the oxidation rate of the three sweet potato polyphenols, methyl caffaete and chlorogenic acid were larger than caffeic acid in rate. These three substances did not so much inhibit the oxidase activity in the process of oxidation as catechol did.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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- 黒斑病甘藷の病理化學的研究 : (第9報)罹病甘藷中のアスコルビン酸に関する二,三の知見について
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