腐植化過程に關する微生物學的研究 : (第2報)新鮮有機物の好氣的分解に就て 〔a〕
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The humification process of fresh plant residues (upland-rice straw and chestnut-tree leaves) was pursued by estimating the amount of CO2 evolved and humic character of alkali extract: 2g. of dry powder of the-sample was mixed with 20g. of clean washed white sand in a 100cc Erlenmeyer flask and 8 cc of nutrition solution(NH42)HPO4 10g., K2HPO4 5g., distilled water 600cc) was added to it; after sterilizing, several pure cultured microorganisms, i. e. Trichoderma konigni, Aspergillus niger, Actinornyces chromogenes, Pseudomonas fluorescence liquifacience, and Bacillus mycoides, were separately incubated in each flask ; in addition to it, we prepared one plot in which Trich. konigni had been incubated together with B. mycoides; then theflasks furnished with aeration tubes were incubated at 30°. The amount of CO2., evolved was estimated at several times during the period of incubation, and after a certain period the humic character of alkali solution of decomposition products was examined by the SIMON method. (1) When judged from the amount of CO2 evolved in a certain period of time, it is assumed that in the decomposition process of upland-rice straw, Trich. konigni is most active as well as Asp. niger, and Act. chromogenes rather moderate, and B. mycoides and Ps. fluorescence are not so active as others. The rate of CO2 evolved by the microörganisms differed each other; B. mycoides and Pse fluorescizce liberated in the first two days of incubation about 60 per cent of CO2 evolved through the whole period of incubation; in the plot of Trich. konigni or Act. chromogenes, the maximum of CO2 liberation cames between the 4 th day and the 9 th day, but with Asp. niger the amount of CO2 liberation decreased towards the end of the incubation period. (2) A certain relation was also observed between the abundance of CO2 and the formation of humus substance. On the basis of the amount of N/10 KMnO4 solution consumed to oxidize 30 cc of alkali solution of decomposition product which had been formed during a certain period of incubation, it was found that Ps. fluorescence showed little increase in the formation of humus substance : Trich. konigni produced humus substance most abundantly among the microiirganismus used, and Act. chromogenes, in spite of the fact that it liberated CO2 much more than B. mycoides, was less active in humus formation than the latter, whose function of forming humus substance was next to that of Trich. konigni. (3) In relation to the relative colour value (RF) of humus produced, B. mycoides was the most active in raising the value of that factor. In that activity Act. chromogenes was next, while Trich. konigni was inferior to the above two, and Ps. fluorescence showed no in crease in that value. Asp. niger ranked next to Trick. konigni in raising the relative colour valueas well as in producing humus substance. (4) The relative colour value of decomposition product was raised more by doubled inoculation with B. mycoides and Trick. konigni than by a single inoculation with B. mycoides. (5) When the humifying action of fungus (Trick. konigni) is compared with that of aerobic bacteria (B. mycoides) from the above results, it will be assumed that fungus is superior to aerobic bacteria in the function of producing humus substance, but it is inferior in the function of promoting humification in the early stage of the incubation period.
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