Pectin物質分解酵素に就て : (第2報)スクラーゼより分離したPectin質分解酵素に就て
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1. The enzymes from “Sclase” have a very strong pectolyic activity. After 1 hour resolution methoxyl groups and viscosity of pectin were decomposed completely by these enzymes and galacturonic acid was produced. 2. These enzymes cntained three different enzymes, Pectin-esterase, Polygalacturonase and an enzyme which decrease the viscosity of pectin. These enzymes decomposed the pectin solution independently. 3. The optimum conditions for pectin-esterase (PE) were found to be pH 4_??_5 and 50°. PE was inhibited by the salts and was destroyed at 70°. It differed from Tomato PE. 4. The optimum pH for PG were 4_??_5 and polyuronide was decomposed by PG and galact-uronic acid was produced. 5. These enzymes decreased the visicosity of pectin solution, and reacted on the pectin very rapidly and optimum condition were pH 4.5_??_5 and 40°.
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