紅茶タンニンの研究 : (其の3)紅茶タンニンの分別定量法
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The soluble black tea tannin (T) consists of three components; unoxidized catechins (C), oxidized catechins (O), and polymers (P). The quality of black tea, especially color and taste, therefore depends on the relative contents of these components. We have studied the separatory estimation of these components. By the addition of satura-ted NaCl solution, O and P are precipitated but C is not. By the addition of 10% HCl, P is precipitated but C and a little of O are not (Fig 2). C and O are dialyzable but P is not. Tannin is estimated by the method of alkaline KMnO1 oxidation. The chemical change of tannin components during the black tea manufacture and the rela-tionship between the quality and the tannin contents of the black tea are shown in Fig. 3 and Table 2, 3.
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