- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) The distribution of thiamine in the dormant seed of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has been studied by the photographic method of thiochrome fluorescence and chemical assays of thiamine have been carried out on seven fractions of the seed (Seed coat, cotyledon, decotylysed embryo, first leaves, hypocotyl, transitional region and radicle). (2) According to the photographic observation, there has been higher concentration of thiamine in the embryo than in the cotyledon of the dormant seed; especially radicle, transitional region and epidermis having had a lot of thiamine. The observation in details has indicated that thiamine had appeared to be concentrated mainly in the procanbiurn of radicle and traniitional region and in the buscular bundle of hypocotyl, paticularly in the phloem and in the pith than the cortex of hypocotyl. (3) The chemical assays have given almost tame results as the photographic observation of the thiochrome fluorescence. As regards, cocarboxylase and free thiamine, it has become obvious that first leaves and radicle have higher ratio of cocarboxylase than hypocotyl and transitional region.
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