- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiment were carried out to clarify the effects of nitrogen supplied for the various stages from transplanting to harvesting time, on the growth and yield of onions in the sand culture. In both 1952 and 1955, onion seedlings (Yellow Danvers sown early in September) were transplanted late in No-vember and harvested late in next June, Results obtained were as follows. 1. The bulb yields of plants which were stopped nitrogen supply since middle or late in May (completing stage of top growth) were equal to, or rather exceeded that of control plants supplied with nitro-gen until harvesting time. Plants which were dis-continued nitrogen supply since middle or late in April (beginning stage of bulb thickening), were decreased to some degree in both top growth and bulb yield. And in the treatments in which nitrogen sup-ply were discontinued on and before middle or late in March (beginning stage of top growth), top growth and bulb yields were reduced remarkably, and their bulbs were round-shaped in contrast with flatshaped in the control. 2. Plants which were withheld nitrogen supply until late in February or early in March, and since then supplied with nitrogen, recovered their retar-dation of top growth rapidly and their bulb yields made no great difference compared with that of control. But when nitrogen supply was withheld until late in March, or late in April, bulb yields in these treatments could not catch up with that of control until harvesting time. 3. The treatments of cutting off the nitrogen sup-ply for about one month in the various stages of growth, had no effect on bulb yields at harvesting time. 4. In the tops of control plants, nitrogen and dry matter contents were lower until late in Febru-ary, and increased from Mach to May, especially the increment in April was remarkable. In the bulbs, nitrogen contents increased rapidly together with dry matter contents from middle or late in April, and continued to increase until harvesting time. 5. From results obtained, it is concluded that nitrogen supply from middle or late in March to middle or late in May is most important for growth and yield of onion, while nitrogen supply after late in May, or before early in March is not so import-ant as that for the above-mentioned period.
- III-2 そさい類の栄養生理(III 作物の種類と栄養特性)
- ベニタデのアントシアニン含量に及ぼす単色光の影響
- ベニタデ芽生えのアントシアニン濃度と炭水化物濃度との関係
- ベニタデのアントシアニン含量に及ぼす栽培時期の影響
- ベニタデのアントシアニン生成に及ぼす温度の影響
- ベニタデのアントシアニン含量に及ぼす光の影響
- ハツカダイコンの生育に対するカリ施肥の効果と体内カリ濃度との関係
- ハツカダイコン幼植物の生育に対するカリ施肥の効果と置換性カリ含量との関係に影響を及ぼす要因
- 異なる栽培時期におけるそ菜幼植物の生育に対するカリ施肥の効果と置換性カリ含量との関係
- そ菜の生育に対するカリ施肥の効果と土壌の置換性カリ含量との関係
- サトイモ塊茎の貯蔵中に発生する低温障害の組織形態学的観察
- キュウリ果実の貯蔵中に発生する低温障害の組織形態学的観察
- 果実に及ぼすガス濃度の影響 (第4報) : 夏ミカン果実に及ぼす酸素濃度の影響
- カルシウム濃度ならびに窒素形態がカンキツの生育, 無機成分に及ぼす影響
- 窒素形態の差異と蔬菜の生育
- ベニタデのアントシアニン含量に及ぼす培地中の窒素, リン酸並びにカリの影響
- 果実に及ぼすガス濃度の影響 (第1報) : リンゴ紅玉果実に及ぼす酸素濃度の影響
- 窒素形態の差異とそ菜の生育 (第5報) : 培養液中の各種陰イオンとの関係
- 窒素供給期間の差異がタマネギの生育・収量に及ぼす影響
- ナス果実の貯蔵中に発生する低温障害の組織形態学的観察
- 窒素供給期間の差異がイチゴの生育•収量に及ぼす影響
- 窒素形態の差異とそ菜の生育 (第4報) : 生育段階との関係
- 窒素形態の差異とそ菜の生育 (第6報) : 体内窒素成分ならびに炭水化物濃度に及ぼす施用窒素形態の影響
- 窒素供給期間の差異が数種そ菜の生育•収量に及ぼす影響
- アブラナ科そ菜のホウ素欠乏ならびに過剰
- 窒素供給期間の差異がナスの生育•収量に及ぼす影響
- 窒素形態の差異と蔬菜の生育 (第3報) : 培養液の各種陽イオン濃度ならびにpHとの関係
- pH, カルシウム濃度ならびに窒素形態がカンキツの生育, 無機成分に及ぼす影響
- 洋ナシバートレットの追熟について (第2報) : 冷蔵および追熟中の成熟過程ならびに呼吸量
- 洋ナシバートレットの追熟について(第1報) : 追熟温度と冷蔵処理の影響
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- 白肉桃大久保果実に及ぼす酸素濃度の影響 (果実に及ぼすガス濃度の影響-2,3-)
- 窒素供給期間の差異がバレイショの生育,収量,品質に及ぼす影響