- 論文の詳細を見る
This experiment was carrid out in 1959 in order to clarify the influence of the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere of storage on the quality of Fuyu fruits in cold storage. The fruits were enclosed in sealed bags of plastic film, and were stored at 0°C. The concentrations of carbon dioxid and oxygen in the sealed bags were determined at intervals of 5-7 days and were adjusted to the desired levels by adding adequate amount of carbon dioxide, oxygen or nitrogen. 1. The influence of both the carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations in the storage atmosphere on the rate of softening was examined by pressure tester and it was found that in the atmosphere containing 5 per cent or more carbon dioxide the softening was retarded. 2. The growth of microorganisms, the appearance of black spots on the epidermis and the advance of after ripening during the storage period, were usually increased in the atmosphere containing 10 per cent or more oxygen and 5 per cent or less carbon dioxide. When the oxygen level was consistently low, decay usually decreased. 3. When stored in the atmosphere containing 20 per cent or more carbon dioxide, a considerable carbon dioxide injury was induced on the flesh. It bore a striking resemblance to the case when the Fuyu fruits were enclosed in dessicator. 4. The higher the concentration of oxygen in the storage atmosphere, the more the decrease of the contents of sugar, acid and ascorbic acid in the fruits. 5. From these results it may be concluded that the most desirable composition of the storage atmosphere for Fuyu fruits are about 5-10 per cent of carbon dioxide and about 5 per cent of oxygen.
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