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According to the first appearance of pollen ger-minating power two distinct types exist in plant. In the first type pollen germinating power appears before anther dehiscence, while in the second type it appears after anther dehiscence.°Cucumber be-longs to the first type and egg-plant to the second. Studies of pollen germinating power in°Cucumber and egg-plant were°Conducted from two days be-fore anthesis, to show the effect of different tem-peratures, on pollen germinating power. Pollen was taken from anthers at different stages of anthesis and sown on artificial medium (1% agar, 16% sucrose and pH 6.2-6.4 in°Cucum-ber, 1% agar, 8% sucrose and pH 5.6 in egg plant). In°Cucumber the maximum of pollen viability was recognized at anther dehiscence or immedi-ately after. When the male flowers were placed at different temperatures for 21 hours prior to the following flowering morning (anther dehiscence), no marked difference was recognized in pollen via-bility (Fig. 1). When the temperature treatments were°Carried out from 39 hours before anthesis, pollen viability varied with the temperature (Fig.2). High temperature shortened the pollen longevity, while low temperature prolonged it. The maximum height of pollen viability was observed in male flowers at 20-25°C. The relationship between pollen viability and temperature was°Confirmed by altering temperatures at anther dehiscence (Fig. 3). In egg plant anther dehiscence and anthesis were variable according to temperatures. But anther dehiscence occurred generally before anthesis. Pollen germinating power rose immediately after anther dehiscence. Anthers, graded in three groups according to amount of pollen scattered, were first placed at 20 and 30°C for one day and later placed at 25°C. The results showed that high temperature for one day shortened pollen longevity more than low temperature and anthers scattering abundant pollen grains were in an ad-vanced stage of maturation (Table 1). When an-thers treated at 25°C and 15°C from two days before anthesis, to the flowering morning, were placed at 20°C, the influence of previous tempera-ture was recoginzed in pollen maturation (Fig.4). According to the temperature from anther dehis-cence, the pollen viability and longevity varied (Fig. 5). These facts were noted in the from day to night temperature decline graph (Fig. 6 and 7). The temperature appropriate for pollen maturation seems to be approximately 20°C. From the above mentioned results, it may be°Concluded that pollen germinating power (pollen viability) and longevity vary with the temperature from two, days before anthesis to old flowers.
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