2, 4-D 及びエチレンクロールヒドリンによるグラヂオラスの休眠打破に就いて(豫報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In order to determine the methods of winter forcing in gladioli, the experiments were taken place at the Agricultural Institute of Yokohama National University from 1949 to 1950. 2. The most superior plot in flowering percentage was 1% E. C.: 5 hours dip, then kept at 26°C. for 16 days. The next were the plots kept at 26°C. for 16 days, then 0.05% E. C.: 1/2 hour dip, and at 26°C. for 17 days then 1 ppm 2, 4-D: 4 hours dip. 3. In every case, check and treated, the period opened the first flower was between 86 and 92 days. 4. It seems to the writer that the temperature 26°C. was not sufficient to break the rest period of the variety (Kunderd White), if it was not treated. 5. In all the roots sprouted fairly well. 6. The most inferior in flowering percentage was the E. C. vapor treatment, apperently injured from the chemical. (E. C. Ethylen Chlorhydrin)
- 園芸学会の論文