A case of squamous cell carcinoma effectively treated by 5FU continuance intraarterial injection and radiation combination therapy.
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Sixty-six year old house wife developped a large ulcerative mass on her left tigh and left groin. Histopathologically differentiated squamous cells with atypical nuclei proliferated and invaded into surrounding muscles.Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were CAM5.2, MA903 and thrombomodulin positive, but HMB45 and vimentin negative.Considering with no indication for curative surgical treatment and poor general condition, we choosed the continuous intra-arterial 5FU infusion with irradiation. She complaind no symtom by side effect of chemotherapy. Biopsy of tumor lesion after treatment could not detect any alive tumor cells. Eight month following up showed no organ metastasis and lesional recurrence.
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