Therapeutical effect of skin malignant tumor by bleo S salve.
- 論文の詳細を見る
There are general modes of treatment of dermal malignancies and precancerous disease available.Surgery, systemic chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, are commonly employed but local treatment by chemotherapeutic agent is also applied dependent on the age of patient, the site, general condition and patient's request.It is reported that such local treatment is effective especially to superficial precancerous diseases.Recently we treated 36 cases of skin cancer locally applying Bleo-S ointment, and got 2 cases of CR, 16 of PR, 6 of MR, 11 of NC and 1 of PD.
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
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- 抗イディオタイプ抗体を用いたメラノーマ患者血清における抗HWM・MAA抗体の新しい解析について
- Therapeutical effect of skin malignant tumor by bleo S salve.
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