Multiple seborrheic keratoses arisen from transplanted skin
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In an 84-year-old woman, multiple papillomatous lesions had arisen from a grafted skin at the right frontal area. Four years prior to this episode, the skin had been transplanted from the left groin after excision of squamous cell carcinoma. Papillomatous lesions which had formed nearby, and which were pathologically diagnosed as seborrheic keratosis, had rapidly increased in size and number. As a result of detailed study, we determined that if the original specimen was diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma, it was found that this cancer had possibly arisen from clonal type seborrheic keratosis. There was no development of papillomatous lesions at the left groin from where the skin had been transplanted. Based on this evidence, we conclude that the unique clinical manifestation of multiple seborrheic keratoses arising from a skin graft developed from factors at the recipient site. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2008; 23: 102-106]
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
和田 了
吉池 高志
順天堂大学 皮膚科学教室
和田 了
黄 詩敏
和田 了
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