頭頸部, 腋窩部における sentinel lymph node の検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
The location of sentinel lymph nodes was evaluated about the head and neck, and the axilla area using blue dye. In the axilla area, sentinel lymph nodes were mainly located in the central and lateral lymph nodes, because the lateral and central lymph nodes were draining mainly the deep lymph channels of the upper extremity. However, the case with metastasis in several lymph nodes has a lower detection rate in the original sentinel lymph nodes because of the change in lymph flow, and the evaluation of the cubital lymph node is a study assignment. In the head and neck area, the location of sentinel lymph nodes was almost in accord with anatomical lymph flows ; sentinel lymph nodes were recognized in submandibular lymph nodes which originated in cheek skin tumors, submental lymph nodes which originated in underlip skin tumors, pre-auricular lymph nodes which originated in temporal skin tumors, and occipital lymph nodes which originated in occipital skin tumors. The lymph vessels of the head and neck area were s ort, and both afferent lymph vessels and efferent lymph vessels were dyed. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2001; 16: 299-304]
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
- 2001-12-28
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