- 論文の詳細を見る
A small net-patterned ground was found on the bare ridge 1, 200 m to the southwest of Mt. Akahani, Bantai volcano (Photo. 1). The diameter of the net is 10 cm and that of the largest stone is 3 cm. The pattern develops on the scoria ground and its depth is 5 cm and beneath is no more the characteristics of the pattern.<BR>A small stripe-patterned ground was found on the ridge at the south of Mt. Kamuro on the western rim of the Onikobe basin (Photo, 2). The width of the stripe is 30 cm and it consists of angular schist fragments whose diameter is under 3 col. The underground level is also flat. Furthermore, there are plant-covered stripes near the growing stripe.
- 東北地理学会の論文
東北地理学会 | 論文
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- 書評・紹介 金子晃著:ヒマラヤ山麓に柔道があった