土地利用の混合構造 : 計測と分析
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On the distribution based on a certain areal division in which individual units such as persons or households are antecedently grouped, it is noticeable to be able to distinguish two meanings in the relationships among the distributions: Co-variance and Co-occurrence. The Co-occurrence with small interval is called “Mixing” by the author.The purpose of this paper is to represent an analytical method to infer the mixing relationships among land-uses. On the study area (central part of Sapporo City) overlaid with 125m×125m square grid system, the author estimated number of grids with co-occurrence of a certain pair of land-use, and those with each type of land-use. X2 values are expressed in the followings:X2ij=N (N×nij-ni.×n.j)2/ni.×n.j×(N-ni.)×(N-n.j)whereX2ij=X2 value to test independency between i th type and j th type of land-use in the distribution.N=total number of grids implied in the study area.ni.=number of grids with i th type of land-use.n.j=number of grids with j th type of land-use.nij=number of grids with i th type and j th type of land-use jointly.Examining X2ij value, positive, negative or independent correlation is inferred between i th type and j th type of land-use.The above analysis resulted in some correlations among land-use as follows:1) There are positive correlations among land-uses which morphologically or functionally resemble each other.2) The correlations among land-uses are differentiated each other in inner and in outer district of the study area, e. g., the correlation between land-uses for amusements and accomodations and for industry is indendent in inner district, while it becomes positive in outer district.3) Using larger compartment as grid system, the correlations among land-use change, e. g., the correlations between welfare land-use and all others are independent in 125m×125m grid system, while welfare land-use has positive correlation to land-use for multi-storey type of retailing and office in 250m×250m grid system.
- 東北地理学会の論文
東北地理学会 | 論文
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