卸売団地形成に伴う都市内部の土地利用の高度化 : 仙台の場合
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The land use of wholesales, which handle large quantities of goods and require large space for storage and distribution, is less intensive than those of retails, finances, etc. Rising land values, severe competition for space and traffic difficulty have induced many wholesale establishments to relocate outward from Zones I and II to Zones III and IV (Fig. 4).The purpose of this article is to examine land use conversions on sites vacated by the relocation of wholesale establishments to the Wholesale Estate on the east of Sendai. Such relocations have two types: complete one, in which the previous site is completely vacated, and partial one, in which only selected functions remain.(I) Intensification of land use by complete relocationIn Zone I, open spaces created by the complete relocation of wholesale establishmants have mostly been converted to more intensive land uses (i. e. retails, services, restaurants, rental office buildings, hotels, hospitals, etc.), and rarely to less intensive land uses (i. e. residences, printings, constructions, parkings and other wholesales). The occupying ratio of intensive land uses to the whole declines precipitously from Zone I to Zone IV (0.77, 0.39, 0.23, 0.15). The intensity of land use by zone varies even within a particular intensive land use category. For example, retail establishments located in Zone I sell “shopping goods”, but those in Zones II, III and IV sell “consumers goods”.(II) Functional differentiation by partial relocationThe partial relocation of the wholesale establishments has brought about spatial differentiation of functions. Some of the wholesale establishements remained subsidiary functions, such as processing, constructing, or retailing. Functions with extensive land use have been relocated to the Wholesale Estate, and those with intensive land use such as retail facilities have remained in place. Such changes resulted in the upgrading and specialization of land uses in the site, not only in Zones I and II but also in Zone III.In conclusion, most of sites formerly occupied by wholesale establishments have been converted to more intensive land uses, in the central zone (Zones I and II). This intensification has been especially stronger in Zone I, where banks, rental office buildings, hotels, etc. have been newly constructed on the vacated sites. But, the relocation of wholesale establishments has not effected greater upon the refining of functional structure of inner urban areas.
- 東北地理学会の論文
東北地理学会 | 論文
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