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The autocatalytic chemical deposition of lead has been achieved using titanium trichloride as the reducing agent. Lead film was deposited onto the non-conductive substrate to the intended thickness at a rate of 520Å/min. The optimum bath composition was; lead chloride 0.04M, trisodium citrate 0.20∼0.40M, disodium EDTA 0.08∼0.16M, NTA 0.20M, and titanium trichloride 0.03∼0.05M. The pH was 9.0 (adjusted with ammonia) and the temperature 60°C. Measurements of UV and visible absorption spectra revealed that NTA, EDTA and citric acid mainly formed complex salts with Ti3+, Pb2+ and Ti4+ respectively. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystal structure of the deposited film was not affected by bath composition and plating condition.
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