HBs-antigen specific suppressor cells in asymptomatic HBs-antigen carriers.
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Effects of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) of asymptomatic HBsAg carriers (ASC) on LIF (leucocyte migration inhibition factor) production of peripheral blood MNCs of B type hepatitis were studied by indirect LIF test which examined the influence of supernatants of co-culture of MNCs on leucocyte migration of healthy persons. Namely, LIF production of MNCs stimulated by HBsAg, was evaluated with indirect LIF test.The results of our tests were described below.1) Supernatants of cultures of addition of HBsAg to peripheral blood MNCs of patients with convalescence of B type acute hepatitis or B type chronic active hepatitis, inhibited migration of leucocytes of healthy persons. Peripheral blood MNCs of these cases positive for LIF test were supplied to indirect LIF test described below. But, supernatants of culteres of addition of HBsAg to peripheral blood MNCs of healthy persons, ASCs or patients with NANB type CAH, did not inhibit migration of leucocytes of healthy persons.2) The supernatants of co-cultures of B type hepatitis MNCs and HBsAg in addition of peripheral MNCs of ASC, released inhibition of leucocyte migration.3) The supernatants of co-cultures of B type hepatitis MNCs and HBsAg in addition of cimetidinine-pretreated peripheral blood MNCs of ASC, inhibited leucocyte migration.4) The supernatants of co-cultures of B type heaptitis MNCs and HBsAg in addition of peripheral blood MNCs of NANB type CAH, did not release the inhibition of leucocyte migration.5) The supernatants of co-cultures of NANB type hepatitis MNCs and HBsAg in addition of peripheral blood MNCs of ASC, hardly influenced the capacity of leucocyte migration.6) The supernatants of co-cultures of peripheral blood MNCs of chronic hepatitis with LIF test positive for PPD and PPD in addition of peripheral blood MNCs of ASC, inhibited leucocyte migration.These results suggested that HBsAg specific suppressor cells in peripheral blood MNCs of ASC existed and worked to suppress LIF production of peripheral blood MNCs stimulated by HBsAg.
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