Protective effect of 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 and 17s-20-dimethyl-6-oxo PGE1 methyl ester against necrotizing agents induced damage to rat gastric mucosa a histlogical study.
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The protective effect of prostaglandin (PG) to gastric mucosa has been called"cytoprotection". Recently, however it has been reported that 16, 16-dimethyl PGE2 (dmPGE2) prevented deep necrosis of gastric mucosa induced by absolute ethanol (ET) but did not protect surface epithelium. The purpose of present study was to aseess the protective effect of dmPGE2 and 17s, 20-dimethyl-6-oxo PGE1 methyl ester (PGE1d) against ET or HCl induced damage to gastric mucosa histologically and ultrastructurally. Fasted rats received saline, dmPGE2, or PGE1d orally. 30min later saline, ET, or 0.6N HCl were administered orally. 30min later rats were killed and stomachs were studied macroscopically, histologically, and scanning electron microscopically. DmPGE2 and PGE1d prevented deep hemorrhagic necrosis of gastric mucosa dose-dependently. While 100μg/kg of dmPGE2 and PGE1d almost completely prevented deep mucosal lesions against ET or HCl, disruption of surface epithelium was not significantly protected by either dmPGE2 or PGE1d. These data suggest that prevention of deep hemorrhagic necrosis against necrotizing agents might be essential protective effect of PGs.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
志賀 淳治
吉田 晴彦
東京大学医学部附属病院 消化器内科
杉本 恒明
川邊 隆夫
片本 哲郎
寺野 彰
太田 慎一
島田 忠人
平石 秀幸
川邊 隆夫
吉田 晴彦
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