Effect of CDP-choline on the action of cholecystokinin and carbachol to stimulate amylase secretion from dispersed rat pancreatic acini.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of CDP-choline, a potent inhibitor of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), on cholecsytokinin (CCK) and carbachol-induced amylase secretion from dispersed rat pancreatic acini was examined. Amylase secretion stimulated by CCK-8 or carbachol increased with increasing concentrations, became maximal at the concentration of 0.1nM CCK-8 or 3μM carbachol respectively, and decreased with further increasing concentrations of secretagogues. CDP-choline inhibited selectively the amylase secretion stimulated by submaximal concentrations of CCK-8 (up to 3nM) or carbachol (up to 10μM) but not by supramaximal concentrations of CCK-8 or carbachol. CDP-choline neither affected the binding of 125I-CCK to its receptors on pancreatic acini nor influenced calcium outflux stimulated by CCK-8.These results indicate that CDP-choline inhibit CCK and carbachol-induced amylase secretions by eliminating subsequent activation of intracellular mechanisms to receptor bindings of secretagogues. Since CDP-choline has been known to a potent inhibitor of PLA2, it seems likely that activation of membrane PL2 will be involved in the action of CCK and carbachol.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
鳥塚 莞爾
安達 秀樹
京都大学医学部放射線科, 核医学科
安達 秀樹
京都大学医学部, 放射線•核医学科
青木 悦雄
京都大学医学部, 放射線•核医学科
佐藤 俊介
大西 秀一
京都大学医学部放射線科, 核医学科
野口 正人
京都大学医学部放射線科, 核医学科
野口 正人
京都大学医学部, 放射線•核医学科
本田 豊彦
京都大学医学部放射線科, 核医学科
鳥塚 莞爾
京都大学医学部放射線科, 核医学科
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- Effect of CDP-choline on the action of cholecystokinin and carbachol to stimulate amylase secretion from dispersed rat pancreatic acini.
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