Effect of secretin, pancreozymin and caerulein on the jejunal absorption of water, electrolytes and glucose in dogs.
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An attempt was made to study the effect of secretin, pancreozymin and caerulein on the absorption of water, electrolytes and glucose from the jejunum of the dog. During intravenous (iv) infusion of secretin (Eisai) 2 or 4u/kg/hr the glucose absorption decreased significantly compared to control. Adding iv infusion of pancreozymin (Boots) 4u/kg/hr over the infusion of the secretin 4u/kg/hr the jejunal absorption of water, sodium and glucose was increased significantly compared to the absorption of the period with infusion of secretin alone. During iv infusion of secretin (GIH) 1cu/kg/hr the jejunal absorption of water, sodium and glucose decreased significantly compared to control. When iv infusion of caerulen 0.4μg/kg/hr was added over the infusion of secretin, the absorption of water, sodium and glucose was increased significantly compared to the absorption of the period with infusion of the secretin alone. From the foregoings and that caerulein is known to closely mimic the action of CCK it is considered that secretin reduces the absorption of water, sodium and glucose from the jejunum of the dog and the addition of CCK over the secretin reverses the effect of secrein.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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