:The effect of Gla on pancreatic stone formation
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In order to elucidate the mechanism of pancreatic stone formation, protein-bound γ-carbosyglutamic acid (Gla) in pancreatic juice was examined in 11 cases of chronic pancreatitis, in 6 cases of pancreatic retention cyst, in 16 cases of periampullary cancer and in 9 cases of control.In contrast with control, significant high levels of Gla were obtained in the groups of pancreatolithiasis and pancreatic retention cyst. Besides, Gla content increased with pancreatic ductal dilation, but was reduced by pancreatic ductal drainage.While, Gla content decreased with pancreatic exocrine disorder and showed extremely low level in the cases which pancreatic parenchyma was accounted for less than 19%.As Gla-cantaining proteins have a specific affinity for calcium ion, it is concluded that Gla-containing protein in pancreatic juice, which is secreted from pancreatic exocrine gland, increases as the stagnation of pancreatic juice and is concerned in the formation of pancreatic stone which is chiefly composed calcium carbonate.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- :The effect of Gla on pancreatic stone formation