:2. On the Relationship between Progression of Fibrosis and Hemodynamic Changes of the Pancreas
- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the progression of fibrosis and the hemodynamic changes in the pancreas after pancreatic bisection in dogs.The basal blood flow measured by the hydrogen clearance method in the atrophied fibrotic pancreas was not diminished but was preserved at almost the same level as in the normal pancreas even two months after pancreatic bisection.The changes in the pancreatic blood flow induced by VIP or secretin were determined by the thermoelectric method. The response of increased blood flow to VIP was still relatively well maintained even in the severely fibrotic pancreas. On the other hand, there was almost no increase in blood flow in response to secretin even in the pancreas with only slight fibrosis.These observations lead us to presume that VIP has receptor sites in the local vessels of the pancreas even under conditions of severe fibrosis, while secretin has no receptor sites in the local vessels of the pancreas.It may well be that the basal blood flow, the response of increased blood flow and the endocrine functions of the pancreas are all well maintained even in the fibrotic state of chronic pancreacitis, or in that observed after pancreatoduodencectomy for cancer of the head of the npancreas or other maladies.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
井上 一知
戸部 隆吉
矢島 治明
嶋 廣一
河野 保
金 輝次
鈴木 敵
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- 627. OK-432 subcellular fraction のヒトリンパ球に及ぼす in vitro immunomodulating effect(第35回日本消化器外科学会総会)
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- Experimental study on splanchnic circulation by ultrasonic transit time volume flow meter and laser Doppler flow meter.
- :I. Effect of VIP on Normal Pancreas
- :2. On the Relationship between Progression of Fibrosis and Hemodynamic Changes of the Pancreas
- 1. Clinical Effects of Prednisolone Suppositories (AS-1 Suppositories) on Ulcerative Colitis
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- The effect of partial hepatectomy on glucose-stimulated insulin release from the isolated perfused pancreas in rats.
- Inhibition of meal-stimulated gastrin release by intrajejunal acidification in conscious dogs.
- Changes of lysosomal emzymes in pancreatic juice following hepatectomy in rats.