Albumin synthesis in perfused liver of oormal and chronic CCl4 intoxicated rats with carbonate-14C
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The synthesis of plasma albumin was studied in perfused livers of normal and chronic CCl4 intoxicated rats with carbonate-14C. Simultaneously, he perfused livers were studied histologically.Livers of normal and the intoxicated rats were perfused with heparinized rat blood diluted with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer for 3 hours. The rate of albumin synthesis was calculated from the specific activity of newly formed urea and the total 14C in guanido carbon of arginine in albumin. The intoxicated livers were classified morphologically by their stages into 5 groups, i.e., group A (acute stage), B (nonseptal fibrotic stage), C (septal fibrotic stage), D (cirrhotic stage) and E (cirrhotic stage with ascites).Serum albumin concentration decreased significantly in proportion to the progress of the intoxication, and it was observed remarkably in group E. Comparing with normal liver, the rate of albumin synthesis decreased in group A, but improved in group B. According to the stages of intoxication from group C to E, the synthesis rate decreased gradually. Besides, no significant changes of serum albumin concentration between group C and D was observed, but the synthesis rate of group D decreased compared with that of C.From these results, the close relation was observed between the albumin synthesis rate and the histologic findings of CCl4 intoxicated liver, especially, necrosis and regeneration of hepatocytes. Moreover, it was observed that there was significant relation between the synthesis rate and serum albumin concentration in the intoxicated rats, and that the decrease of the synthesis was more remarkable than that of albumin concentration from the regression line obtained.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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