The histochemical study of fat, glucose and iron up-take in intestinalized gastric mucosa
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An intestinal type of epithelium has been recognized in the human stomach since Kupffer, R. (1883). It is identical to normal human small intestinal epithelium in its histologic arrangement. One of the characteristic elements of this type of epithelium was the columnal cells with blush borders on their surfaces. The columnal cells in the small intestine have absorptive function of the nutrients, but no study have been reported so far regarding this absorptive function of the columnal cells in the stomach. The present investigation demonstrated a physiological similarity between these two epithelia by histologic techniques.Materials and Methods: 38 patients with atrophic gastritis who had intestinalized gastric mucosa were chosen from over 100 cases with various formes of gastric diseases by the screening endoscopic examination. A study of absorptive function was performed with those specimens taken from these 38 patients by the endoscopical mucosal biopsy. The methods for examining the absorptive function were as follows: triglycelides (tricaproin, trioctanoin, tridecanoin), ferrous gluconate and/or glucose solution were given through biopsy forceps on the surface of intestinalized gastric mucosa. The specimen were taken from the same area under the endoscopic observation 10-15 minutes after the spray of those solutions. The samples were stamen with histochemical technique, including Oil Red O method for fat, OKAMOTO method (after Müller) for glucose, and Turnbull blue reaction for iron. Results and Conclusiod: Many fat droplets were found within cells and mucosal propria of the intestinalized gastric mucosa. Glucose and iron were stained characteristically on the blush border and cytoplasmic portion of intestinalized gastric mucosal epithelium. These findings were always observed in the all examined specimens, but the degree of absorptive capability of those cells and numbers of those cells were variable. These variation might be occured due to the difference of individual cells of intestinalized gastric mucosa in regards to their histoenzymatic activities such as alkaline phosphatase, lipase and others. Alike the small intestinal mucosa, the intestinalized epithelium of the gastric mucosa was proved histochemically to have an absorptive function of fat, iron and glucose.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- タイトル無し
- The histochemical study of fat, glucose and iron up-take in intestinalized gastric mucosa
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