Scanning electron microscopic observation of the regenerated epithelium in gastric ulcer in various healing stages
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The three dimensional appearances of the regenerative epithelium of the gastric mucosa described in the various healing stages of the gastric ulcer were examined by the scanning electron microscopy (JSM-U3) in contrast to the histopathological findings by light microscopy.In a case of Ul-II gastric ulcer the epithelium topping of the scar is made up of multilayered cuboidal cells. The three dimensional appearance reveals that the mucosal epithelium of the ulcer margin has become abruptly low and thin forming bundles of cell lines covering the excavation. These bundles are directed toward the center of the ulcer.In a case of Ul-III gastric ulcer, the histopathological section show that a single layer of flat epithelial cells has extended from the invaginated regenerated cells. Observation of the gastric surface reveals that the marginal regenerated mucosa of a palisade like appearance has become thin and pointed. A sheet of cell layer extends from the foot of the edge over the defect. These cells are arranged like rosary beads parallel to each other and are occasionally bifurcated. The microvilli of these cells are short and rough and irregularly arranged.In a case of Ul-IV gastric ulcer with protracted healing, the ulcer margin consists of mature regenerated mucosa and only a few epithelial cells are creeping out to cover the denuded area. The scanning electron microscopic findings show that the palisade like regenerated mucosae are occasionally separated by the crossing ditches to form squares at the margin of the ulcer. The cobble stone like regenerated mucosae which are in more mature stage are also present in the other part of the specimen.
三宅 健夫
洲崎 剛
酒井 正彦
藤堂 彰男
神戸中央市民病院, 消化器センター, 内科
大石 雅己
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- Scanning electron microscopic observation of the regenerated epithelium in gastric ulcer in various healing stages
- :Investigation of 6 Cases and Review of Literature