テキスタイルコンポジットの力学的特性 : 第2報,織物複合材料
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In this paper, the tensile properties and fracture behaviors of biaxial and triaxial woven fabric composites, which are one of the textile composites, were predicted using the numerical analytical method proposed in the previous paper. Both biaxial and triaxial woven fabric composites consist of carbon fiber and epoxy resin. The analytical model takes into consideration the continuity and crimp of fibers in the woven fabric composites. The validity of this analytical method is examined by comparing predicted results with experimental data. It is found that the results agree well in both woven fabric composites. Local stress states of the woven fabric composites could be confirmed from numerical results. Accordingly, it was clarified that the mechanical behavior of the textile composites could be predicted by this analytical method.
論文 | ランダム
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