Poiseuille流中における円孤状粒子のRadial migration (レオロジー(特集))
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A supplementary calculation is hereunder presented which was made to the preceding investigations5)-7) treating the hydrodynamic behaviour of rod-like particles in Poiseuille flow by using the Oseen-Burgers formula.<BR>It has been theoretically shown that the particles are to migrate radially from the tube axis to the wall, due to its bending deformability. There remain some problems, however, that must be made clear in these treatments. The two outstanding problems are as follows:<BR>(1) An approximation used to solve the Burgers-type integral equation is mathematically too rough.<BR>(2) The direction of the migration is against what is observed in the laboratory.<BR>The first problem can be overcome by regarding the particles as prolate spheroid instead of cylinder. In this case the integral equation is to be solved to the extent of the error of the square of the short-/long-axis ratio of the spheroid.<BR>For the second problem, a study has been made on the effect which may have been caused when the curvature becomes large for an infinitely thin rod. It seems to be more important, however, to take the deformation velocity of the particles into account.
- 公益社団法人 日本材料学会の論文
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- 材料物性工学 : 工業材料の科学, 金丸 競著, 材料工業化学講座32, 1900円, 1970年, 共立出版
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