息角の確率的挙動と寸法効果 (粉体(特集))
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It is well known that each value of the angle of repose is variable according to the kind of measurements, besides it is variable according to the size of the apparatus even by using the same measurement (Scale effect). The author has been able to explain the cause of the scale effect by means of the stochastic method.At first measurements of the angle of repose (Table I) were compared with each other and the conclusion is that the tilting box test is the best measurement to find out the 3 factors which effect the value of the angle of repose. The 3 factors are the size of the apparatus, bulk density (Table II) and the velocity of formation (Fig. 1). So the tilting box test has been used in these experiments.Values of the angle of repose (Using sand as material) are accompanied by great fluctuation (Table III). As the size of the box is smaller, the fluctuation becomes greater. It becomes clear that the fluctuation of values depends on the Weibull distribution (Fig. 4). The scale effect is divided between two factors, the horizontal length of the box (Fig. 3) and the tilting length of the box, and they are explained by 2 parameters of the Weibull distribution (Table IV).The same result has been got by using not only sand but glass balls. So it is considered that the stochastic method may be useful for the research of the other various physical properties of powdered and graunlar materials, not restricted to the angle of repose.
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- 息角の確率的挙動と寸法効果 (粉体(特集))