動物体の角質化組織中の脂質成分に関する研究 (第2報) : イワシクジラのケンの脂質成分
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Studies on the lipid compositions in the horny tissues have not been undertaken except on the crystal lens of tunny (<I>Thunnus thynnus orientalis</I>) and the scales of Kinmedai (<I>Beryx splendeus Lows</I>) studied by authors.<BR>This investigation was attempted to analyse the lipid components of the tendon of Sardine-whale as to the fatty acids and unsaponifiable matters. The lipids were obtained by extracting the tendon with ether, then treated with <I>n</I>-hexane. The yield was 2.3% to fresh tissue. The weight and the properties were as follows ; reddish brown liquid, <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> 1.4791, I.V. 92.8, A.V. 5.2 and unsaponifiable matters 3.78%.<BR>The fatty acid contents analysed by means of gas chromatography were as follows ; C<SUB>12 : 0</SUB>=0.8, C<SUB>14 : 0</SUB>=5.7, C<SUB>16 : 0</SUB>=8.5, C<SUB>18 : 0</SUB>=5.2, C<SUB>20 : 0</SUB>=18.6, C<SUB>12 : 1</SUB>=1.3, C<SUB>14 : 1</SUB>=2.1, C<SUB>14 : 2</SUB>=0.4, C<SUB>16 : 1</SUB>=6.7, C<SUB>16 : 2</SUB>=0.8, C<SUB>18 : 1</SUB>=14.1, C<SUB>18 : 2</SUB>=3.8, C<SUB>18 : 3</SUB>=3.9, C<SUB>20 : 1</SUB>=16.3, C<SUB>20 : 2</SUB>=1.8, C<SUB>22 : 1</SUB>=10.0.<BR>The fatty acid compositions obtained by means of spectrometric analysis were as follows ; F<SUB>2</SUB>=3.6 (conjd. 1.30), F<SUB>3</SUB>=1.5 (conjd. 0.05), F<SUB>4</SUB>=1.3 (conjd. 0.03), F<SUB>5</SUB>=0.4, F<SUB>6</SUB>=0.6.<BR>The unsaponifiable matters were orange liquid containing 76.0% sterol (by Digitonin method). The main sterol of those is believed as cholesterol and the other sterol is Δ<SUP>5.7</SUP> sterol (8.5%). The balance of the unsaponifiable matters seems higher alcohol and hydrocarbon.
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