- 論文の詳細を見る
Copolymerization of vinyl acetate with maleic anhydride in 1-dodecanethiol, carbon tetrachloride or benzene in the presence of α, α'-azobisisobutyronitrile as an initiator afforded cotelamer LS, cotelomer C, end copolymer P, respectively, as shown below.<BR>_??_<BR>R=C<SUB>12</SUB>H<SUB>25</SUB>S, W=H (LS-series), R=CC<SUB>l3</SUB>, W=CI<BR>(C-series) and R, W : unknown (P-series) <BR>These cotelomers and copolymers were treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide, ammonia or <I>n</I>-dodecylamine to give corresponding cotelomeric or copolymeric surfactants having OH, C0<SUB>2</SUB>Na, CO<SUB>2</SUB>Na, or CONHC<SUB>12</SUB>H<SUB>25</SUB> functions :<BR>_??_<BR><I>c</I>=<I>d</I>=0 (S-derivatives), c≠0, d=0 (A-derivatives) and c≠0, d≠0 (D-derivatives) <BR>Their structures were deduced from the molecular weight measurements, elemental analyses, and IR spectra. They showed surface active properties as follows. <BR>1) The surface tension of LS-S as well as LS-A were 4043 dyn/cm at pH 1. <BR>2) The cmc of LS-S was correlated with the degree of polymerization (<I>Pn</I>) by cmc=0.16 <I>Pn</I> -0.4 (at <I>Pn</I>=9.828.6). <BR>3) LS-D had cmc of 10<SUP>-2</SUP> wt% in the neutral pH range. <BR>4) LS-S showed CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> dispersion ability of ca. 75% at the concentration of 10<SUP>-3</SUP> wt%. <BR>5) S and A derivatives in the LS, C and P series formed water insoluble complexes with Hg<SUP>2+</SUP> and Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> at pH 1 as well as with Pb<SUP>2+</SUP> at pH 3, while D-derivatives formed water insoluble complexes at pH 3 with various metal ions except Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>.
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