- 論文の詳細を見る
Diurnal variations were recorded of 10 substances from the urine of 22 healthy women, ranging from 32 to 65 years of age. Twenty-four-hour urine collections were done at each micturition and blood samples were taken on the same day.From the data, it was examined whether the use of creatinine ratio as a measure of the completeness of a 24-hour urine samples was reliable.The results were as follows:1. Maximum/minimum concentration ratios of various urinary substances were 1.2-4.6, 1.9-9.0, 1.3-11, 1.3-8.0, 1.6-12, 1.5-12, 1.7-11, 1.8-9.8, and 2.0-12, for (specific gravity-1) ×1, 000, creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, cadmium, zinc, and copper, respectively. There were very large individual variations-2.6-78-for the ratios of urinary β2-microglobulin.2. Blood urea nitrogen slightly increased with age, but other substances showed no such changes.3. The mean values of each substances matched between those taken at individual micturitions and those taken over 24 hours.4. Concentrations of substances in early morning urine did not always show the high levels compared with those of a 24-hour urine.5. Creatinine concentrations decreased with age. For elderly women, this fact resulted the high values from correction by creatinine for the concentrations of urinary substances.6. Wide diurnal variations for values corrected by specific gravity or creatinine were observed of urinary 10 substances, and such substances were inaffective in correcting urinary concentrations.7. The mean specific gravity of a 24-hour urine of all subjects was 1.018. For elderly women, the value calculated by specific gravity, that is, the one multiplied by 18/(G-1)×1, 000, was more accurate than the creatinine ratio.8. Urinary protein or glucose had almost no influence on specific gravity, except in the case of glucose concentrations over 500mg/dl.
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