重金属の Paramecium tetraurelia に対する影響 : II. カドミウムと亜鉛・カルシウムとの相互作用
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The effects of cadmium chloride and the interaction of cadmium chloride, zinc chloride and calcium chloride on the cell division in Paramecium tetraurelia were investigated.The results were found to be as follows:(1) As the concentration of cadmium increased in the culture medium, the rate of cell fission reduced. Reduction in the fission rate was observed at a level below 2μM CdCl2 and all cells died in a concentration of over 12.5μM CdCl2.(2) Cells that were exposed to cadmium once were resistant to the second exposure, but this resistance apparently had limits.(3) Some cells died in a culture medium contained at 5.5μM CdCl2 and some cells divided in the culture medium contained 12μM CdCl2, that is, clonal variation in resistance to cadmium in Paramecium tetraurelia had a wide range.(4) Zinc generally strengthened the toxicity of cadmium in the cell, but it acted antagonistically to high concentrations of cadmium.(5) Calcium showed only a weak toxicity to the cell even at concentrations of CaCl2 over 1mM. Calcium acted antagonistically to the toxicity of cadmium.(6) Cells that had been exposed to zinc were sensitive to the exposure of high concentrations of cadmium.
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- 重金属の Paramecium tetraurelia に対する影響 : II. カドミウムと亜鉛・カルシウムとの相互作用
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