- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of studying the influence of air pollution that causes pulmonary tuberculosis, the authors investigated the relationship between the level of pollution by area in Yokkaichi on the one hand, and prevalence, incidence, the visit rate to the physician and death rate of pulmonary tuberculosis on the other hand.Prevalence and incidence showed a similar pattern and were influenced greatly by economic factors of the area as observed in the relationship with the on-relief rate, but the influence of air pollution was not found under the level of the pollution as shown in Table 1.The visit rate to the physician taken by those insured by the National Health Insurance Plan was influenced more or less by social factors such as the density of medical institutions and density of population in addition to the above-mentioned economic factor, but had nothing to do with the air pollution.Death due to pulmonary tuberculosis was caused by sulphur dioxide; when the mean concentration for three consecutive days surpassed 60ppb, the probability of the death on the last day became higher, the differrence being statistically significant at 5 per cent compared with days on which the concentrations were 19ppb or less.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
吉田 克己
今井 正之
今井 正之
北畠 正義
冨田 泰子
笠間 一男
奥田 みどり
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- 47. 大気汚染の人体におよぼす影響 : 中学学童の呼吸機能におよぼす影響
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- 414 コバルトカーボニール中毒に関する実験的研究
- 414. コバルト・カーボニール中毒に関する実験的研究
- 30. 四日市地区における呼吸器系疾患発生状況と肺機能検査成績について
- 7. ^NによるNO,亜硝酸塩, 硝酸塩の生体内代謝について (昭和56年度東海地方会)
- 13. ^NOによるNOの生体内代謝について (昭和55年度東海地方会)
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- 四日市喘息について
- Clinical study of abnormal sensation in the throat.
- Clinical evaluation of Piroxicam for abnormal sensation in the throat.