死亡統計におけるメッシュ区分法の検討 : (その1) 東京都23区のがん死亡の地理分布について
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In July 1973, the Administrative Management Agency of Japan formally adopted the standard method of areal division by square grid for the use in statistics. Since then, the square grid method has gradually been used by Census and other many governmental statistics. One of the characteristics of this method is that it is consistant and scarcely affected by revision of administrative divisions. As it is easy to define the location of each square grid area by the X-Y coordinate, various computer techniques which have been developed in recent years could be well adapted for tabulation and analysis. Although this method has rarely been used in the fields of vital statistics or epidemiology, it should be investigated whether this method can be applied or not to these fields with the above-mentioned advantages. It is the purpose of this paper to evaluate the square grid method applied to the geographical distribution of cancer mortality rate in Tokyo. As a result of investigations regarding the size of division for the cancer mortality statistics, the standard square grid area that is approximately 1km2, is most suitable. When the number is too small for analysis in the case of the site with rather small proportion among cancer, 4 or 9 areas should be summed up. The geographical distribution of cancer mortality rate in Tokyo by site indicates that remarkable contrast is observed between the patterns of stomach cancer and lung cancer in both male and female. Death rate of stomach cancer is noted to be higher in the northeastern Tokyo, while that of lung cancer is higher in the southwestern half.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
外山 敏夫
慶応義塾大学 衛-公衆衛
大久保 利晃
安達 史朗
安達 史朗
大久保 利晃
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