- 論文の詳細を見る
This article is a summarized report and discussion of a series of experiments carried out to elucidate the many-faceted effects of ambient thermal conditions on change in splenic plaque forming cells (PFC) and humoral antibodies which were chosen as examples of physiological functions. As the results, the following findings were obtained. (1) The effect of thermal environment is more intense just after a change of thermal condition than after acclimation. (2) The adverse effects of high or low ambient temperature do not appear symmetrically as the thermal conditions go up or down from the optimal range. (3) When animals are exposed repeatedly for short period of time to a temperature which would normally exert a suppressive effect on immune response, the results turned out to be stimulative of immune response. (4) In the case of a temperature shift from a moderate to a cold environment, the effect on PFC took place mainly when the shift occurred after immune stimulation, while in the case of temperature shift from a moderate to a hot environment, the effect appeared when the shift took place before immune stimulation and the duration of effect lasted longer. To explain these results an “effective period” in the course of physiological adaptation to the change in ambient temperature and a “susceptible period” in the course of immune response were postulated.This series of experiments revealed that the effects of ambient temperature on the immune response were not simple but rather multilateral and complicated. Although the thermal environment rarely acts as the specific cause of a disease, more detailed knowledge on the influence of thermal environment will render prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases more precise and reliable.
- 146. トランジスター製造従業員の視力低下について (第1報) (視力関係)
- 521. 酵素免疫測定法によるδ-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase(ALAD)の定量法とその鉛暴露評価への応用(鉛,一般講演,第61回日本産業衛生学会・第44回日本産業医協議会)
- 822 鉛曝露検査指標の長期観察 : 焼入れ作業者について(鉛,一般講演,第58回日本産業衛生学会・第38回日本産業医協議会)
- 216. スズの血中ALAD活性抑制作用に対するマンガンおよび亜鉛の効果(その他の重金属,一般演題,第57回日本産業衛生学会・第36回日本産業医協議会)
- 211. 鉛,スズによる血中ALAD活性低下に対する亜鉛,マンガンの効果 (鉛)
- 無炎原子吸光法による血漿中スズの測定法
- 95. 錫のポルフィリン合成系に対する作用 (鉛)
- 血中δ-アミノレブリン酸脱水酵素活性に及ぼすスズ,鉛,および水銀のin vitroでの影響
- ウサギの血中ALAD活性に対するin vivo及びin vitro鉛投与と加温処理の影響
- 加齢と血中δ-アミノレブリン酸脱水酵素活性
- δ-アミノレブリン酸およびその脱水酵素活性に及ぼす鉛の効果に関する実験的研究
- 38. 集団聴力検査法の制度について (2) (騒音及び振動)
- 4.環境因子と免疫応答(第7回職業性アレルギー研究会)
- 0609 ラット肝温に及ぼす環境条件の影響 (1)
- ラット肝温に及ぼす環境条件の影響(1) : 自由課題 : 環境条件(温度,その他)
- 「学会総会のまとめ」について
- ゲバラの神話 : 消えた遺骸
- マウスの免疫応答に及ぼす環境温熱条件の影響
- 自由課題 (労働・運動生理)
- 153. 各種環境温度曝露動物血清の臓器組織呼吸に及ぼす影響について (温度・被服)
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- ウサギの血中ALAD活性に対する in vivo 及び in vitro 鉛投与と加温処理の影響
- ラット肝温に及ぼす明暗環境の影響 : I. 明暗交替リズム, 食餌摂取および運動と肝温
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