- 論文の詳細を見る
A simple and direct method for determining lead in blood by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry was developed by modifying the method of Hodges and Skelding (1983). In the present method, a graphite tube was coated with molybdenum and both Triton X-100 and phosphoric acid were added to heparinized whole blood. The calibration curve for lead determination, prepared by adding standard lead solution to the pooled blood of normal mice, had good linearity until 200μg/dl of blood, and it showed low blank and good reproducibility. Limit of detection was 3μg/dl. The result of blood lead levels of Pb-exposed mice obtained by using the calibration curve showed good agreement with those obtained by the standard addition method. An application of this calibration method from normal blood will be available to determine rapidly the blood lead levels in many samples.
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