歯科用薬剤およびアルコール,タバコのイヌ歯牙歯髄血流量に及ぼす影響 : 水素ガスクリアランス法による
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It is commonly known that a certain amount of blood flow is required in the dental pulp to keep the teeth healthy. The amount of the blood flow in the dental pulp is an important factor in the growth of the jaw and teeth. The author studied the changes in the blood flow in dental pulp by applying the dentists ordinary drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, which often directly touch the dental pulp when it is exposed. The untreated teeth opposite the treated ones were examined for comparison. The follwing results were obtained:1. Application of disinfectants such as Oxydol, Neocleaner and Rusnon caused a momentary decrease in the blood flow which lasted about twenty to thirty minutes before the flow was restored.2. Xylocaine, a local anaesthetic, caused a slight increase or a strong momentary decrease in the blood flow. When epinephrine was added to Xylocaine, the effect became apparent, that is, the blood flow clearly decreased.3. Calvital, a drug made of calcium hydroxide, and a solution of calcium hydroxide, both of which are used as preservatives for teeth, caused a strong momentary or lasting decrease in the blood flow. In cases where the effect lasted, the flow was not restored for more than three hours after the treatment. Two weeks afterwards, however, the blood flow was definitely greater than it had been before the application of these drugs.4. Acidulated fluoride solution, used for preventing dental caries, definitely decreased the blood flow on the treated side.5. Liquid detifrice, used as a dental hygienic drug, induced a momentary increase or decrease or no change in the blood flow. The color tester, plaque disclosing solution, had almost no effect on the blood flow.6. A solution of 20% Etyl alcohol caused a slight a momentary increase or a distinct momentary decrease in the blood flow. Aqueous extract solution of cigarettes brought about a very slight momentary increase or decrease in the blood flow.
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