- 論文の詳細を見る
Scalp hair samples were collected by mail from 97 married couples who were living in several places in Okinawa-prefecture and supposedly had no specific exposure to mercury compounds. They were selectively analysed for organic and inorganic mercury content and the difference of hair mercury concentration between the sexes was discussed in relation to the frequency of fish intake, fish species, drinking habits and permanent-wave hair treatment. Results obtained were as follows;1) The increase in hair levels of organic and inorganic mercury concentrations was roughly proportional to the dietary intake of fish in the range from none or low to moderate frequencies for both husbands and wives. However, this increase was not proportional to the dietary intake of fish in the range from moderate to high frequencies, showing almost the same level irrespective of the frequency of fish intake.2) Though husbands and wives had dietary consumption patterns quite similar to each other, husbands were found to have higher hair organic mercury levels than wives, the average values being 6.40ppm with a standard deviation of 4.69ppm for husbands and 2.86ppm with a standard deviation of 1.97ppm for wives, respectively. The difference was statistically significant. No significant difference between the sexes was detected for inorganic mercury concentrations. However, a highly significant positive correlation coefficient for organic mercury and also a significant positive correlation coefficient for inorganic mercury were found between husbands and wives.3) Hair without permanent-wave treatment showed higher levels of organic mercury concentrations than hair with permanent-wave treatment for both husbands and wives. Drinkers also had higher levels of hair mercury as compared to non-drinkers. However, the lower levels of organic mercury concentrations in womens hair than in mens hair were not fully explained by these factors.4) Both men and women who showed higher hair levels of organic mercury had a preferance for highly predatory fish such as tuna and bonito, which probably contributed most to the human intake of mercury.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- 鹿児島県薩南諸島住民の毛髪水銀濃度
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- 24. 薩南諸島住民の毛髪水銀濃度 (昭和54年度九州地方会)
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- 617 ラットのメチル水銀とビタミンE投与における各臓器中水銀濃度(水銀,一般演題,第63回日本産業衛生学会・第48回日本産業医協議会)
- 105 労働災害の分析 : 特に繰返し災害について(健康管理・健康診断,一般演題,第63回日本産業衛生学会・第48回日本産業医協議会)
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- 母子間における毛髪水銀濃度の比較
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- 奄美大島,徳之島及び沖縄におけるハブ咬傷の疫学像の比較(資料)
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- 労働災害の疫学的研究(資料)