諏訪湖地域における“迷惑昆虫”ユスリカの大発生とその防除対策 : 第2報:ユスリカ問題に対する住民の意識構造とその数量化の試み
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In order to make clear the present “nuisance” caused by chironomid midges around a eutrophic lake, a questionnaire survey of 249 leaders of the Hygiene Self-governing Association of the cities of Suwa and Okaya and the town of Shimosuwa near Lake Suwa was conducted. The results are as follows:1. More than 90% of the respondents had specific knowledge about the chironomid midge, but 40% of them didnt know about its role as a purifier in the lake.2. More than 10% of respondents answered that they were “can not able to stand any more” massive flights of chironomid midges, and about half of them lived within 500m of the lake shore. The damages “nuisances” were “ruining laundry or defacing walls (67.1%) and “contamination of food (15.3%)”, suggesting that chironomid midges influenced the daily life of the residents.3. The selected causes of massive flights of chironomid midges were “pollution in Lake Suwa” and “decreases in the numbers of birds and dragonflies” as well as others. This means that the deterioration of the environmental situation around the lake may cause the “nuisance” of chironomid midges.4. The respondents were more strongly interested in counterplans for the control of the chironomid midges made by administrative authorities than in plans made by each family.5. “The distance from the lake shore” was the major factor contributing to the impression of chironomid damage. “The occupation of the respondent” was the second important factor.To redirect the insect flights away from the residential area, and to decrease the number of adult midges coming from the lake, are thought to be the most important measures for the resolution of this problem.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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- 環境Eco選書2, 河川環境の指標生物学, 谷田一三編集, 北隆館, 2010年, A5判, 197頁, 3000円+税
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