- 論文の詳細を見る
Possible individual variations in the sympathetic nervous system response to sound stimuli were investigated using the auditory evoked plethysmogram response (AEPGR). This study consists of the following 3 experiments; (EXP 1) the sound level-response relationships between white noise at 50, 70, and 90dB (A) and AEPGRmax as defined below, (EXP 2) individual variations of AEPGRmax to white noise at 90dB (A), and (EXP 3) the relationship between the AEPGR pattern and the urinary catecholamine (CA) excretion rate during sleep on the preceding night. The subjects were 35 young persons in (EXP 1), and 79 young (18-28yrs. old) and 35 old (60-83yrs. old) persons in (EXP 2) and (EXP 3), respectively.The results were: (1) a good sound level-response relationship between the sound levels of 50, 70, and 90dB (A) and AEPGRmax was obtained on average; (2) an AEPGRmax of more than 100% in response to the 90dB (A) white noise was found in about 10% of the subjects, whereas it was below 100% in 90% of them. The time prior to the maximum response in the former case varied from 4.6 to 22.2sec, which was quite a contrast to that of 3.0-9.0sec in the latter case; (3) The NE (norepinephrine), E (epinephrine) and DA (dopamine) excretion rates were shown to be significantly higher in the former group in (2) than in the other groups, regardless of adjustment for age, blood pressure and/or ECG findings.Thus, it is suggested that the cardiac response to E secreted from the adrenals due to white noise stimuli was predominant in the former group in (2). Therefore, this response pattern was called the AEPGR“βtype”, whereas the other group was designated the“αtype”, since its AEPGR appeared to reflect only vasoconstriction. The suggested individual differences in AEPGR associated with increased night-rest catecholamine secretion were also discussed in relation to their possible relevance to chronic stress, neuroticism and other conditions.
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