- 論文の詳細を見る
Objectives: This study examined the relationship between undergoing the basic health checkup based on the Health and Medical Services Law for the Aged among urban residents and medical expenditure covered under the National Health Insurance in Japan.Methods: The subjects were all residents of a city with a population of three hundred and fifty thousand, covered by National Health Insurance and over forty years of age. Medical expenditure was compared by age and sex between examinees who had undergone the basic health checkup for the past three years running and non-examinees who had had no checkup.In addition, from the results of a questionnaire survey of randomly sampled citizens, we compared the living habits of the above two groups, the examinees and non-examinees.Results: For outpatients, the medical expenditure per case, the medical expenditure per capita for seniors, and the medical expenditure per day were lower, and the number of examination days per case and the examination rate (the number of receipts per capita) were higher in the examinee group than in the non-examinee group. For inpatients, the medical expenditure per case, the medical expenditure per capita, the medical expenditure per day for seniors, the number of examination days per case, and the examination rate were lower in the examinee group compared to the non-examinee group. The increase in medical expenditure with age was less in the examinee group than in the non-examinee group. In men, the examinees had significantly better living habits (especially exercise and meals) than the non-examinees. No differences in living habits were found in women.Conclusions: Medical expenditure was lower among examinees than non-examinees. In men, regular examinees had better living habits than non-examinees.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- 2002-01-15
- 19.教職員の在職中死亡の現状(第39回近畿産業衛生学会)
- 教師の抑うつ症状と職場ストレス要因
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- 5.女性教職員の疲労とその背景(第10回産業神経・行動学研究会)
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