吉井川下流平野に於ける水田開發過程の考察 : 主として自然堤防と後背低濕地との関連に於いて
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Three are some back mashes at the behind of natural levees on the lower Yoshii. As it was difficult to develop the rice field on the slope at the outside of the nutural levees. Many villages depended upon the field though they were on the river. In Tabarakami mura and Futsukaichi mura the field turned to the rise field at the beginning of Edo era, and even now some villages have only a few rice field. While the back marsh was the most favorable rice field at the beginning of agricultural era. Therefore many old tombs are found at the hill at the behind of back levee and the Jori system was laid down here. The stream starting from the back march led the rice field to develop in the broad area to carry out the Jori system. At the middle age, perhaps, they had one crop fields. Some back marshes which might become the pond easily became it due to the lower river. These Hiokike (pond) and Kita ike (pond) were made. But they were abandoned by drainage and cultivation of back marsh at the beginning of Edo era. The irrigation association showed activity at the rice planting season, especially. The significance of back marsh is varied due to its low temperature or owing to the area and era. The back marsh of the lower Yashii was developped by stagnant water. But now they are suffering from surplus water.
- 人文地理学会の論文