- 論文の詳細を見る
With shifts in economic development from the higher growth of the mid-fifties and sixties into the stable growth that has continued from the early seventies, the Japanese industrial structure has changed drastically. While the relative status of secondary industry has decreased, tertiary industry has developed a great deal. Changes in industrial structure, however, do not mean only such changes in the components between industries. As the value of information and services in the economy has become more important than that of physical production, the position of service activities has risen not only in tertiary industry but also in primary and secondary industries. Therefore, studies which focus on the spatial changes of economic activities which have happened along with the advancement of industrial structure have to be done from the point of view of the functional roles of these activities within industries as well as the traditional classification of industries.The most advanced industrial structures can be seen in metropolises, among which Nagoya, the study area of this paper, is included. The spatial structures of these metropolises, which developed along with the industrialization of the postwar high economic growth period, have gradually been reorganized in accordance with changes in their industrial structure. This study attempts to reveal such temporal and spatial reorganization of economic activities in the City of Nagoya. Its main purpose is to grasp the general trends in spatial distribution of establishments categorized not only by kinds of industries but also by functional types.Analysis of the component changes of establishments by kinds of industries shows that the percentages of service, construction, wholesale, transportation-communication, and finance-insurance have increased in more than half of 14 wards during the period from the end of the sixties to the mid-eighties. Component shares of manufacturing and retail, however, have decreased in many wards during the same period. Wholesale and service have increased in number of workers as well as number of establishments, but the number of both categories has dropped a great deal in manufacturing. The decrease of workers in manufacturing has been accelerated by the outflow of large factories from the city. In the retail sector, the number of establishments has decreased, but the number of workers has continued to increase. The sectoral pattern, which can be seen in such spatial changes of establishments, suggests that wards located in certain sectoral direction from the city center reveal similar patterns of change.The second analysis was carried out on the spatial changes of establishments that were categorized by both industry and function. This analysis revealed that while office and business type firms have greatly increased in number all over Nagoya, factory, workshop and mining type firms have decreased remarkably. Store and restaurant type firms, which increased in the seventies, have decreasd in absolute number in the wards around the city center during the eighties. Office and business type firms, which employed nearly half of all workers in the mid-eighties are found not only in tertiary industry like wholesale and service but also in primary and secondary industry. These office and business type firms, which have developed to become a leading sector of the metropolitan economy, have increased in number mainly in the central and eastern wards of the city.It is necessary to grasp the general trends of firm distribution in order to build an empirical model of the regional structure of metropolises. For this reason, in the latter part of this study, an attempt was made to reveal the trends of firm distribution by means of regional concentration coefficients. In addition to this, the grouping of establishment types in terms of their locational pattern is attempted, and regional classification is carried out using this result.
- 人文地理学会の論文
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- カナダにおける大学と地域社会--社会・経済の変革に挑むコミュニティカレッジ (〔日本都市学会第51回〕大会テーマ 大学と地域社会)
- Development of Transportation and Telecommunication and Urban Regional Structure in Canada
- Development of Commercial Activities and Urban Retail System in Canada
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- 岐阜県土岐市における伝統的商業地区の衰退とその対策
- 近代名古屋における電鉄事業の地域的展開
- 近代名古屋における郵便事業の地域的展開
- 書評 中藤康敏著『環日本海経済論』
- 地域産業の創出と大学の役割 (〔日本都市学会〕大会テーマ 都市とガヴァナンス--新しい都市自治の確立をめざして) -- (まちづくりの諸相と産業)
- 情報通信の発展と都市空間システムの変化
- 情報ネットワーク化と大都市中心性の空間的変化 (成熟社会における都市の自治と交流) -- (都市の自治・分権と交流機能)
- 情報化の進展と都市システム
- 大学における教養としての地理学教育
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- 都市システムと工業立地 (テ-マ 都市システム)
- 近代名古屋における電話事業の展開と都市発展
- イタリア北部の都市システムと産業立地
- 大都市の産業と地域の構造変化 (特集 平成8年事業所・企業統計調査)
- 気になる広島(地理科学学会)の存在
- 東海地方における地域情報化の進展
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- 大都市圏周辺部における商業地域システムの変化 : 愛知県春日井市を事例として : 「わが国の都市システムを考える」 : 1992年度秋季学術大会シンポジウム
- 名古屋の都市機能--その現況と将来 (地方都市の活性化と国際化〔含 資料〕) -- (「札・仙・広・福」広域中心都市の現況と将来(課題シンポジウム2)〔含 コメント〕)
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- 上海市周辺地域における集落システムの空間構造
- 経済活動の立地変化と情報化 (情報化社会と都市の新時代)
- 愛知県大府市の健康づくり運動 (長寿社会と産業文化交流都市) -- (高齢化社会の都市づくり(日本都市学会第38回シンポジウム))
- 事務所機能の立地モデルの構築
- 大都市における産業構造の高度化と地域の変貌 (日本の都市化と国際的課題) -- (都市の構造変化)
- 中国・蘇州地域における集落システムの構造と産業の発展
- 名古屋市都心部における事務所ビルの立地と入居事業所の集積分布
- カナダ主要都市の中心部における再開発事業計画とデザイン (都市とデザイン) -- (都市とデザイン「国際的視野からの都市デザイン」)
- 情報化の進展にともなう経済活動の立地および都市構造の変化
- 都市の地域構造変化と地理学からの接近 : 「変動する都市をさぐる : 都市論をめぐる成果と課題」 : 1988年度秋季学術大会シンポジウム
- 情報化の進展に伴う経済活動の立地変化 (都市と情報) -- (都市と情報の問題研究)
- 情報化の進展と事務所機能の立地変化
- 大都市における事務機能の集積と事務所ビルの立地動向
- 先進国の大都市地域における事務所機能の立地動向 (都市問題の国際化・活性化) -- (都市問題の国際比較)
- 中心地モデルと発展途上地域における市場システム
- 貿易構造の変化と国際物流機能の都市港湾立地
- ベリ-・ギャリソンの中心地モデルの検討とその改良ならびに拡張
- 中心地システムの構造と財の到達範囲
- 西欧・北米における小売業の発達と都市地域構造の変化
- 地方中核都市・岐阜市における商業の地域構造とその変化 (〔日本都市学会第29回大会研究発表論文集〕--地方の時代と都市) -- (都市経営の方向)
- 都市内商業中心地の立地モデルに関する研究
- 地方拠点都市・岐阜市の都市機能 (〔日本都市学会第27・28回大会研究発表論文集〕大都市問題と地方拠点都市) -- (地方拠点都市における現状と課題)