Articulatory Dynamics in a Patient with Apraxia of Speech:—Fiberscopic and X-Ray Microbeam Observations—
- 論文の詳細を見る
To obtain an accurate picture of the syndrome called apraxia of speech and to gain some insight into its underlying mechanisms, observations of the articulatory movements were made of a patient diagnosed as having apraxia of speech by means of a fiberoptic system and an X-ray microbeam system. The data obtained from the apraxic subject were compared with those of the normal and dysarthric subjects.<BR>The results indicated that the articulatory movements of the apraxic patient were clearly different from those of the normal as well as the dysarthric subjects in terms of the patterns, consistency and velocity of movements. Based on these observations, possible mechanisms responsible for the syndrome called apraxia of speech were discussed.
- 日本音声言語医学会の論文
伊藤 元信
笹沼 澄子
吉岡 博英
牛島 達次郎
広瀬 肇
牛島 達次郎
伊藤 元信
笹沼 澄子
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