The Relationship between the Type of Aphasia and the Location of the Lesion Observed by CT Scan
- 論文の詳細を見る
The location and extent of the lesion in the brain was examined by computered tomography (CT) scan of 20 cases of various types of aphasia due to cerebral vascular accidents. Side view of the brain illustrating the location of the lesion was made from the horizontal tomograms of each case. The relationship between the type of aphasia and the location of the lesion was examined by superimposing each illustration upon another, and we obtained the following results<BR>1. Area covering the lesions of all the cases included the so called Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the area in between these two areas.<BR>2. Aphasia of the non-fluent type had the tendency to have the lesion in the posterior and inferior part of the frontal lobe.<BR>3. In cases of the so called conduction type of aphasia, the lesion covered the area between the Broca's and the Wernicke's areas.
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