舌突出現象(Tongue thrust) の症候学的検討
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This study aimed to elucidate the symptomatic characteristics of tongue thrust, which is a specific syndrome of involuntary dyskinesic tongue movement. It is manifested only while the patient is speaking, without any manifestation of oro-lingual apraxia, paralysis or sensory disturbances. It is differentiated from oro-lingual dyskinesia and glossospasm in that the symptom is manifested only in speaking, and is not affected by emotional exaltation. The cause of the disorder, apparently functional, is not yet clear.<BR>Two cases, a 51-year-old male and a 21-year-old female, were selected and examined, using video tape, by a speech repetition test. The aim was to define 1) the type of abnormal tongue movement and 2) the manner of articulation in which the abnormal tongue movement appers most frequently. The results showed three types of abnormal tongue movements which were observed mostly in dental and alveolar consonants in both cases.
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- 舌突出現象(Tongue thrust) の症候学的検討