- 論文の詳細を見る
Contents of Cd and Zn in the organs of the 5 autopsy cases of the Itai-itai diseased were analysed. 41 autopsy cases were done on patients who had been inhabitants in the non-endemic part of the Hokuriku Distrct. This was done to provide a comparison and an analysis of livers, kidneys as well as 3 cases where 13 other organs were included was carried out.The livers as almost all other organs contained a high degree of cadmium; thus substantiating the fact that cadmium deposits are high in bodies of Itai-itai diseased patients. However, cadmium contents of kidney cortices were low. This may be attributed to the fact that in this disease destruction of the tubuli of the kidney progresses rapidly and seriously.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- イタイイタイ病をめぐる問題点
- カドミウム汚染地住民の尿中遊離アミノ酸排泄について
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- 神通川流域水田土壌中の重金属分布状況の調査
- イタイイタイ病患者および北陸地方住民の臓器のCdおよびZn濃度について
- 生物体内のCdの分布について (第2報) : 食品のCdおよびZn含有量
- 神通川流域の杉の年論とCd, Zn含有量との関係
- 生物体内のCdの分布について(第1報)
- 慢性カドミウム中毒の実験的研究 : 特にカルシウム欠乏との関係について
- いわゆるイタイイタイ病患者の屎尿中重金属(Cd, Pb, Zn)排泄量
- 磁器上絵付作業者の鉛, カドミウムによる人体汚染とその影響