- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the study is to clarify the social system to be built for achieving restoration work of secondly grassland successfully, through the interview with key persons at 10 areas where grassland has been continuously managed. Focuses in hearing are as follows; key persons or groups in management activities, recognition of grassland as commons, existence of legitimacy with the collaborative management rule, and way of distribution of incentives. The social system in 10 areas could be classified into four types; I. community member keeps traditional way for grassland management to confirm the identity of the community, II. community member can obtain economic benefit through grassland management, III. local government assists the activities through distributing funds to local members and IV. gentle network among members who recognize different worth in the grassland is build by volunteer group as a secretary. It is considered that the framework to achieve successful grassland restoration should involve following four items; i) core organization to form gentle network among various groups, ii) incentive that is acceptable by various groups with different worth, iii) contrivance for keeping the identity of local community, and iv) system to make and distribute funds for supporting continuous work of the secretary.
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