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The photometric extraction method for the determination of boron using methylviolet as a colorimetric reagent, presented by Poluektov in 1958, has been developed in some extent in the following manner.<BR>Ammonium bifluoride and hydrochloric acid were used instead of hydrofluoric acid, and adaptabilities of several buffer solutions were examined. Good results having sufficient precision and sensitivity were obtained.<BR>Following these, the investigations were performed for the effect of other salts, for such conditions for extraction as solvents, temperature and shaking time, and also for the stability of the color solution.<BR>As a result of these experiments, it has been shown that at the absorption maxima of 545mμ and 610mμ the Beer's law is obeyed between absorbancies and boron concentrations up to 2.5 ppm.<BR>The proposed photometric extraction method may therefore be used satisfactorily for the simple and rapid determination of micro amount of boron.
- 社団法人 日本分析化学会の論文
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